Zika Virus Infection In Late Pregnancy Causes Fewer Birth Defects: Study

In a new study it is found the Zika virus in late pregnancy may cause fewer birth defects. The researchers claim greatest risk to infants comes in early pregnancy.

Zika Virus Infection In Late Pregnancy Causes Fewer Birth Defects - Study

Columbia University infectious diseases expert D. W. Ian Lipkin said the birth defects may also occur in women who get no symptom of Zika virus during pregnancy.

Zika virus outbreak in Brazil in 2015 has led to health experts lately to suggest couple to avoid pregnancy.

Zika virus spread mainly through the bite of a tropical mosquito. The common symptoms are rash, joint pain, fever or red eyes.

Over 500 cases of Zika-linked microcephaly has been recorded in Brazil.

Microcephaly is a severe birth defect in which the skull of infants is much smaller as the brain does not develop properly.

Colombian and American health officials conducted the latest study by tracking reports of such infections from Zika virus and defects found in new births.

Details of the study are published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

World Health Organization (WHO) had earlier this month suggested women to delay pregnancy who are living in areas where the Zika virus is active.

Zika transmission is either occurring or being expected in the Caribbean region and in 46 countries across Latin America. Millions of couples will be affected with advice of WHO.