Yahoo To Roll Out Alerts To Users Fearing State-Sponsored Hacks Of Accounts

Following Google and Facebook, the Yahoo too has vowed to issue alerts to users if found their accounts have been attacked by state-sponsored hackers.

Yahoo To Roll Out Alerts To Users Fearing State-Sponsored Hacks Of Accounts

The Guardian reports chief information security officer of the company Bob Lord has revealed in a blog about the new change.

Lord wrote, “We’ll provide these specific notifications so that our users can take appropriate measures to protect their accounts.”

Facebook as well as Twitter announced similar move in October and December respectively. Google made the move in June this year.

Apart from the notifications to vulnerable users, Yahoo has suggested others to use strong password for their account and also to monitor sign-in notifications vigilantly.

The company added any such warning does not mean Yahoo has been hacked. The notifications will only be rolled out to the suspected users that Yahoo finds any unusual account activity.

According to chief cybersecurity officer at the Tokyo-headquartered security company Trend Micro, Tom Kellermann, the hackers have certain goals with the attack and not to steal the Christmas photos and holiday messages.

Yahoo adds further the notification does not mean account has been accessed.

Meanwhile, Yahoo has not specified how the users will be alerted of the potential attacks in their accounts.

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