What Businesses Can Expect from AI in 2024

In the realm of business communications, the march of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to continue into 2024. As we get ready for more AI in business, it’s important to know what’s coming for how companies talk and help customers. Businesses are adding AI to their tools, which can be really helpful. Let’s find out what to expect from AI in business communication and how it might affect companies as well as customers.

What Businesses Can Expect from AI in 2024

Year of Experimentation and Learning

Expect 2024 to be a year of trial and error as businesses delve into the realm of AI. While some will experience positive outcomes from AI already embedded in their existing tools, others may face disappointments, leading to adjustments in their business plans. Automatic benefits, like noise cancellation for meetings and contact center quality management, may become commonplace without requiring additional purchases.

After navigating the AI features already woven into their tools, organizations will grapple with identifying the best applications, suitable use cases, and where to invest. Learning from both successes and failures, businesses will need time to optimize their AI deployments, ensuring they align with their objectives.

Realism in the Face of AI Challenges

As businesses embark on their AI journey, expect hiccups along the way. Early adopters may face frustrations if AI tools do not meet expectations. For instance, generative AI meeting summaries may fall short, requiring users to invest time in correcting errors. The challenge lies in ensuring AI tools accurately represent important discussions and don’t omit critical details, preventing AI from becoming the new “dog that ate the homework.”

Despite the promise of AI, the path forward will witness learning curves, particularly concerning generative AI capabilities.

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Vendor Responsibilities in 2024

In the realm of AI vendors, 2024 will center around responsible AI practices, emphasizing security, privacy, and ethics. Companies that make AI need to think about how it affects society, make sure it’s fair, keep people’s information safe, follow the rules, and do things ethically. The best companies will be the ones that make sure AI is used responsibly and keeps things private and secure.

Legal and liability concerns will rise, especially regarding end-user data usage, user consent, and accountability for AI-generated outcomes. The demand for legal scholars to navigate uncharted territories will soar.

Vendors must also demonstrate the genuine business value and user productivity benefits of their AI tools. The coming year will witness a battle for AI talent, with startups being acquired not just for their technology but for their skilled AI professionals.

Beyond the Basics

In 2024, vendors need to focus on AI differentiation beyond basic offerings. Some AI capabilities will become standard, such as meeting summarization and live transcripts. Companies that help with customer experiences will really need features like Agent Assist and summarizing interactions. This will make businesses look for even more helpful things like predicting needs, giving smart insights, and offering better assistance to customers.

Companies like NICE, Five9, Verint, and Talkdesk are making new and cool AI tools to make customers’ experiences even better. They’re moving beyond the usual stuff to bring more exciting things to how people interact with businesses.

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Rise of AI in 2024

If 2023 was the year of AI, brace yourself for a more intense wave in 2024. More AI is coming, and businesses might start feeling a bit tired of it all. It’s super important for companies to think about AI in a practical way, recognizing both the good things and the tricky parts it brings. Whether in communications, collaboration, or contact center scenarios, businesses will encounter a multitude of AI options from various vendors.

With a well-thought-out strategy, focusing on the right use cases and maintaining realistic expectations, businesses can view 2024 as the year AI transitions from a vision to a tangible reality.