Washing Hands Frequently Reduces Spread Of Infections

Washing hands often is necessary and it is highly required for health-care workers. Detroit hospital has come up with a way to make its staff abide by the rune and improve hand hygiene.

Washing Hands Frequently Reduces Spread Of Infections

Henry Ford Health System has showed images of millions of bacteria found on common surfaces to its staff. As an aftermath the health-care workers have started washing hands as often as possible.

It is said the hospital showed bacteria growth on items like door knobs, unused gloves, mobile phones, ultrasound machine nurse station mouse and also hands of health-care workers.

President of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Susan Dolan, said hand hygiene is important ways to prevent infection spreading.

Infection prevention specialist Ashley Gregory said, “Hospital staff wanted to wash their hands after looking at the book and picturing similar contamination on their own skin.”

Gregory co-led the project.

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said proper hand-washing reduces infections spread such as common cold. It also helps in battling the rise in antibiotic resistance.

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