Violence In California Injures 10, Including Stab Wounds

At least 10 men and women between the age group of 19 and 58 were injured, including two critical stab wounds, in California after a violence broke out between a white supremacist group and counter-protesters on Sunday.

Violence In California Injures 10, Including Stab Wounds

Sacramento Fire Department spokesman Chris Harvey said all the injured had multiple stab and laceration wounds.

The Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) had a permit of carrying out the rally near the state Capito during noon hours, but another group tried to stop them from doing so.

The leader of TWP describes themselves as “white nationalist” group.

California Highway Patrol public information officer George Garanda said the counter protesters positioned themselves ahead of time in a large group of more than 300 people to stop the TWP from carrying the rally as permitted.

It is not yet clear how many people were in the TWP rally.

Garanda said, “At that point the word spread pretty quick and a mob ran in that direction and they clashed immediately with each other.”

In a video footage people are seen running and getting pursued by others with sticks. Some of the mobs also had hidden faces with masks and scarves.

Sacramento Police Department Officer Matt McPhail said it is not clear with which groups the injured were associated.

If you were near to the rally incident today afternoorn, share with fellow readers what you have seen during or aftre the clash. Use the below given comment box.