US Kids Eat Tons Of Fast Food: Study

Obesity is the new concern for many kids in the US. A new report reveals 12 percent of them get calories from fast-food restaurants.

One earlier report revealed a figure of 11 percent for adults.

It is reported by National Center for Health Statistics about one-third of the kids eat fast food on any given day.

National Center for Health Statistics is a part of CDC.

According to senior clinical dietitian with Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, Kristi King, fast food has become a go-go culture and children regularly eat equivalent of a small hamburger.

King was not involved in the study.

Fast food offers high calories and researchers believe the takeout pizza and drive-thru french fries have contributed to kids being overweight.

In past more than one decade 17 percent kids have been found obese and this is a national health concern.

Considering a period of past 30 years it has been found obesity rate in children have increased by two times. Earlier, in 1980, it was just 7 percent.

American Academy of Pediatrics president Sandra Hassink said the fast foods are now well-advertised, but the marketing is in fact wrong as obesity was once seen only in middle-aged people is now growing among children.

He added further that daily choices of food contribute to long-term chronic disease.

King suggests to make kids eat grapes, apples, whole grain crackers and string cheese sticks.