Universal Healthy Diet Don’t Fit Every Individual Equally: Study

Even after following the healthy diet chart in the strictest manner you are unable to overcome the weight or health issues, here’s a finding that will give a solution to your problem.

Universal Healthy Diet Don't Fit Every Individual Equally- Study

According to researchers Eran Segal and Eran Elinav of the Weizmann Institute of Science, the universal diet plan may not work equally fine for all.

The study has been published in detail in the journal Cell. It writes people metabolizes food very differently and it depends on the makeup of their gut microbes.

The authors say in one person the result may be a slow and steady rise in blood sugar where as in another person it may be like a bizarre spike in blood sugar.

It is added that foods may turn up to be healthy in one person but it may be unhealthy for another.

The researchers studied 800 subjects between the age group of 18 to 70 and included healthy as well as pre-diabetic volunteers. Number of variables was measured including glucose levels to gut microbes through blood tests and stool samples. They also had to inform the researchers about their eating, drinking, exercising and sleeping details through a mobile app. All were asked to eat standardized breakfast.