United States To Support Countries Fighting Boko Haram

The US ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power visited Nigeria following Chad and Cameroon. He pledged support for those countries who are fighting against the Boko Haram militant group.

United Nations To Support Countries Fighting Boko Haram

All the three countries he visited are battling the group.

If believed to experts, the visit of an American top diplomat reveals giving a strong signal to Boko Haram that international community is now committed to end their activities.

Director of the South African risk analysis group Signal Risk, Ryan Cummings, said the support of United States mean Boko Haram is now recognized as a threat that has expanded outside of Northeastern Nigeria.

After Mohammed Buhari took over the presidency, he emphasised more on strengthening relations with several international countries.

The United States has lately started supplying armies to Cameroon, Niger and more countries. However, they are not taking part in fight, but instead are specializing in the training of counterterrorism forces.