UK To Top-Up 50 Military Personnel Over 450 British Troops Deployed In Afghanistan

United Kingdom has agreed to send about half ton more military personnel to Afghanistan who will be responsible in the training and advising the local security forces.

UK To Top-Up 50 Military Personnel Over 450 British Troops Deployed In Afghanistan

As of now 450 British troops are deployed in the country.

According to officials, the upcoming troops will not be part of combat operations, but will only aid counter-terrorism efforts and provide leadership training.

Twenty-one of them will by joining counter-terrorism mission, 15 will work in a leadership development, and thirteen is said to be joining Resolute Support Mission of Nato.

Earlier it was planned the UK troops may leave Afghanistan completely by 2016, but an update on it now reveals the troops are to be stationed for one more year.

Meanwhile, the US President Barack Obama too announced earlier this week for the slowdown in withdrawal procedures of US military from Afghanistan.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said the country will continue playing a leading role on the world stage even though they have voted for Brexit, to leave the European Union (EU).