Two Americans Killed In Turkish Istanbul Suicide Bomb Attack

A suicide bombing earlier today killed two Americans too in Turkish city Istanbul, said White House in a statement.

Two Americans Killed In Turkish Istanbul Suicide Bomb Attack

National Security Council spokesman Ned Price added US condemns the terrorist attack in Turkey. Prayers are with the families and loved ones of those who are killed in the explosion.

A total of five people were killed in the heinous attack that is sixth suicide bombing in past year in Turkey.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has confirmed the death of two American citizens along with two Israelis. He said, “We can sadly confirm that two Israeli civilians were killed and we might have a third fatality.”

Meanwhile, Israel has sent two planes to Istanbul to cooperate with other intelligence agencies in determining whether the explosion was directed specifically at their citizens.

Health ministry said a total of 36 people were injured in the attack that included several foreigners.

Sky News cited official saying the suicide bomber was deterred by police from initial target and thereafter detonated the bomb out of fear outside a local government office on Istiklal Street.

Istiklal Street houses shopping outlets such as cafes, restaurants and shops as well as foreign consulates.

Istanbul Governor Vasip Sahin confirmed the explosion to be a suicide attack.

Police immediately sealed off the street and several ambulances as well as a team of forensic reached the stop.

Eyewitnesses said they heard loud explosion and police reached the scene immediately.