Trump To Sign New Travel Ban Executive Order On Monday

A new version of travel ban is coming soon for some of the Middle Eastern and African countries. United States President Donald Trump is learned to be signing an updated executive order next week, probably on Monday.

The president was earlier scheduled to sign the executive order last Wednesday but it was delayed after his joint address to Congress.

It is learned Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense James Mattis and national security adviser H.R. McMaster have advocated to omit Iraq from the list of banned countries for diplomatic reasons.

However, it is still unclear whether Iraq will be removed from the list considering its role in fighting ISIS.

The original order of Trump banned immigrants from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Syria and Yemen from entering the country for 90 days. The executive order also barred all refugees for 120 days.

During his Japan visit recently Trump said, “We need speed for reasons of security, so it very well could be.”

The order was issued in January and rolled out immediately.