Trump To Hand Over Controls Of Businesses To Sons

United States President-elect Donald Trump said would be handing over the control of his businesses to his adult sons and this too before he takes presidential oath on January 20.

Trump also ensured his companies would not be making any new deals while he is the president of America even though he is not mandated to do so by law.

He added to be focusing full time on the presidency and hence would be leaving his businesses before January 20.

Two of adult sons are Don and Eric. They will manage the businesses along with the assigned executives

The president-elect was scheduled to hold a press conference on Thursday, but it has been rescheduled for next month to announce his plans for his businesses.

He tweeted on Monday late-night about handing over the controls of his businesses to his sons without giving any indication to be giving up his ownership stake in his real estate and licensing empire.

Experts believe quitting is the only way to ensure he would not profit from impact of his own policies.

His tweets didn’t talk anything about daughter Ivanka who works at the Trump Organization like her brothers.