Trump blacklists 5 more Chinese tech entities after Huawei

It is a severe step by Trump administration for Chinese companies just ahead of a high-stakes Group of 20 summit scheduled to be held on June 28 and 29 in Japan.

Five more tech entities were blacklisted Friday and these were part of the Chinese efforts to develop supercomputers.

Commerce Department said the entities raised national security concerns as the machines were developed for military uses.

The targeted companies include Higon too that is a joint venture partner of AMD.

The other firms blacklisted are Sugon, which is considered as Higon’s majority owner, Chengdu Haiguang Integrated Circuit and Chengdu Haiguang Microelectronics Technology as Higo seems to have ownership interest on these two companies.

AMD’s Chinese joint venture THATIC is also blacklisted as it is used to license microprocessor technology to Higon and other companies in the country.

Earlier the Trump administration had blacklisted Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies Co. The action raised fears that trade war between US and China could turn into a broader economic conflict.

Lately Trump announced to be meeting Chinese leader Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the summit to resume talks that failed last month.

Recently AMD’s chief executive officer Lisa Su said the company would not license the newer technologies to Chinese companies.