Top Attractions in Cambodia, East Asia

If time is of the essence, then Angkor Wat in Siem Reap has to be the first stopping place for the tourist as this is, quite simply, one of the most stunning attractions in East Asia, a complex which requires at least two days to fully absorb.

Top Attractions in Cambodia, East Asia

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Angkor Wat was lost to the jungle for hundreds of years and the jungle has not yet given up its treasure. This can be seen from the many buildings in the complex through which trees are sinuously thrusting themselves, twisting and tying themselves around the stones as though trying to reclaim them.

The photograph of Angkor Wat that is usually used to illustrate the site is much less than the whole which is actually a collection of temples – Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, Ta Prohm and the Bayon. Angkor Wat can be rated alongside other famous Heritage Sites like Manchu Pico and the Pyramids of Giza.

Preah Vihear Temple

Cited as the most impressive Khmer historical site after Angkor Wat, this temple has been the subject of recent fighting, standoffs, and arguments between Thailand and Cambodia, as it straddles the border between the two countries. Situated in the far north of Cambodia, Preah Vihear Temple is older than Angkor Wat and is said to have taken over 200 years to complete. It climbs 100 metres high through five separate stages.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Located on the banks of the Tonle Sap River where the Mekong and the Bassac meet, Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia, was once known as “The Paris of the East”. The city is now trying to regain this once proudly worn title and new hotels, shops and restaurants are opening on a regular basis. The French presence in Cambodia for many years means that the food is French influenced – especially the wonderful bread – and well suited to Western tastes.

Kratie, Cambodia

This laid back town is a must see for anyone wishing to see the colonial architecture of East Asia’s heyday, for which Kratie is especially noted. It is also home to some Irrawaddy dolphins, a rare and endangered freshwater species, shyer than their seawater cousins.

Cambodia’s Islands

Most tourists still congregate on the beaches at Sinanoukville but the beaches on the islands have preserved their peace and quite. It is possible to find a completely deserted island for a Robinson Crusoe experience. At night, watching the natural phosphor in the sea create millions of tiny lights, it is like having a private light show.

What to do in Cambodia

The Royal Palace in Phnom Penh is open to visitors and the National Museum is well worth a visit.

Most visitors are aware of Cambodia’s ugly past caused by the Khmer Rouge , and a visit to Toul Sieng and the Killing Fields of Choeng Ek is recommended for those interested in this aspect of Cambodia’s history.