Theresa May To Prove Brexit Means Brexit At Tory Conference On Sunday

For United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May this Sunday would be a challenging day. She is believed to prove at the Tory conference in Birmingham with announcement that British Government intends to repeal the European Communities Act 1972 (ECA) through a Great Repeal Bill.


May would be working on earning confident of people by explaining Brexit will not be the end of their membership with European Union (EU). It would be rather a part of the mechanics of withdrawal.

According to experts, the Repeal of ECA means Brexit is definitely happening.

Meanwhile, food prices last month was at record low in Britain despite Brexit heat-up.

British Retail Consortium (BRC)-Nielsen study reveals overall shop price deflation was 2 percent in the month of August and in July it was 1.6 percent decline.

Another report released by Visa and Markit last month revealed the people had spent more on clothes, meals and trips as warm weather forced them eating out do some shopping for summer clothes.

Citing a source the Daily Telegraph reported in September May is committed to result of referendum of June that says 52 percent of people want Britain to leave European Union (EU) amid all the legal challenges that prevents the process to be implemented without a parliamentary vote.