Thailand Police Raids Dhammakaya Temple To Negotiate Arrest With Monk

Thailand police raided Wednesday the Dhammakaya temple to arrest Phra Dhammajayo for charges on embezzling funds and money laundering.

Thailand Police Raids Dhammakaya Temple To Negotiate For Arrest With Monk

The 72-year-old as well as his followers have denied all such allegations and said the arrests are politically motivated.

Dhamakaya temple is in north of Bangkok.

Until now Dhammajayo had avoided orders to appear before the officials citing poor health.

The arrest efforts of police were made complicated by the devotees who camped outside the temple in huge numbers, in thousands.

Earlier police had been stopped by monks to enter the temple despite the arrest warrant.

One of the followers of Dhammakaya said, “Arresting him is uncalled for. It’s not like he killed someone.”

Unarmed officers entered the temple with arrest warrant, said deputy director-general of the Department of Special Investigations (DSI), Police Maj Suriya Singhakamol.

Briefing to the reporters after the raid he said, “Today’s operation must be carried out in an orderly manner, nobody should be injured, and everything should be done according to the law.”

Dhhammajayo of Buddhist sect is co-operating with police, said temple spokesman.

If you are from Buddhist sect, do share your views whether raiding the temple was rational on part of the police even though it is known the monk avoided appearing to the officials citing health issues. Use th below given comment box.