Thailand and Cambodia by Bike

This new and exciting 10-day trip offered by Pedalers Pub & Grille will have its inaugural departure on November 16th 2008 with follow-up trips departing on the third Sunday of every month until March 2009. The tour, aimed at enthusiasts who enjoy history and culture, will blend the sights and activities of the mountainous north of Thailand with the more familiar geography around Angkor Wat in Cambodia and promises to show the best of the two kingdoms.

Starting from Chiang Mai, Thailand’s northern capital and former capital of the ancient kingdom of Lanna, the trip rolls through forests and fields, villages, hot spring parks, ancient temples, and fabled Khmer ruins. On the way, the group will meet and interact with the hill tribes that inhabit the region, tribes that are pleased to involve strangers with their way of life (follow the Guide’s instructions as to how to enter the village underneath the special arches).

The scenery is ravishing and stops are made along the way to drink in the spectacular views and to enable local culture and lifestyles to be experienced. There will be ample opportunities for photography (again, follow the Guide’s instructions as to when and how to take photographs).

Traditional food is sampled at the Riverside Restaurant on the Mae Ping (the River Ping), but more exotic Thai food can be sampled at the many local markets at which the tour stops, from simple pad se uy (noodles) to fried grasshoppers, giant ants, water beetles and silk worm larva – all surprisingly good with a cold beer. The tastes vary, but the texture is crisp and crunchy, with grasshoppers being the crispiest.

A stop is made in Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park, Thailand’s answer to the USA’s Yellowstone Park. Here there are geysers and hot springs which feed the pools in which cyclists can relax and soak away the miles. Duck or chicken eggs can be bought and boiled in the springs for an instant snack.

On the morning of Day 7, the group flies from Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand to Siem Reap in Cambodia, just 10 Km. from the famous ruins of Angkor Wat. Plenty of time is allowed for exploring this vast complex of ancient ruins before travelling by boat to see the floating villages of Tonle Sap Lake where the houses, church, and schools are built on floating mats of reeds.

The tour ends back at Siem Reap on Day 10. During the course of the trip, rated as moderate, cyclists will cover 408 km (253 miles) of paved roads, averaging 58 km (36 miles) per day. As a comfortable night’s rest is judged essential, the accommodation has been carefully chosen to provide modern western amenities and trips are led by either a bi-lingual international guide living in the area or a native born guide fluent in English, backed up by an excellent support crew.

Pedalers Pub & Grille specializes in bike tours in Asia designed for the true cycling enthusiasts. Hotel accommodation is First Class, and upgrades to De Luxe and Resort Hotels are possible. Prices include accommodation and all meals, regional flight from Chiang Mai to Siem Reap and airport transfers, guide services, van support, maps, sightseeing and cultural activities. Double rooms $2,650 (£1,325) single supplement $550 (£275). Cycle rental: $125 (£62.50) for the trip.