Texas House Proceedings Disrupted After Protesters Chanted Against Sanctuary Law

Protesters in hundreds emerged from public gallery in the Texas House on Monday causing halt in work after a Republican called Immigration and Customs Enforcement on those who were opposing the new sanctuary cities law by the state.

Clearing the gallery was ordered and it resulted with a scuffle between Republicans and Democrats, pushing each other and instigating violence. Video footage shows one lawmaker even threatened to shoot.

Later it was learned State Rep. Matt Rinaldi, R-Irving had threatened of shooting by the end of the disrupted session. Issuing a statement on Twitter he said it was in self-defense.

Democrates alleged later in a press conference that Rinaldi had threatened to shoot the head of Nevarez (D-Eagle Pass).

Nevarez said, “He’s is a liar and hateful man. Got no use for him. God bless him.”

State Rep. Ramon Romero (D-Fort Worth) said Rinaldi saw Hispanic people seated in the gallery and he assumed they were undocumented.

As the proceedings started, hundreds of seats in the gallery were filled and the demonstrators were wearing red T-shirts that read “Lucha,” or “Fight.” Forty minutes later they started cheering and drowning the lawmakers. The started chanting “Here to stay!” and “Hey, hey, ho, ho, SB4 has got to go.” They were blowing whistles too and referred their protests to the bill signed by fRepublican Gov. Greg Ahhott last month into law.