Supports Hailed Anti-Gay Clerk As Christian God In Front Of Jail House

People in hundreds have taken part in a rally on Saturday to support for the jailed anti-gay clerk in Kentucky.

Supports Hailed Anti-Gay Clerk As Christian God In Front Of Jail House

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis was sent to jail on Thursday for not issuing same-sex marriage licenses citing “God’s authority” even though the Supreme Court in June this year announced legalization of it.

The supporters chanted slogans like “Thank you, Kim; Thank you, Kim” in front of the jail house and prayed the clerk could hear them.

Kim is at the Carter County Detention Center and has chosen for indefinite imprisonment instead of bowing.

Supporters hailed her as a Christian hero amid the ongoing war against godless saying “God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.”

Her imprisonment has also ignited a debate across the world over religious freedom and also the place of God in government.

Meanwhile, the couple to whom Davis has returned by not issuing same-sex marriage license has received it on Friday.

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