Sprout’s Addyi Female Viagra Hits Shelves

Finally the so-called female Viagra is on the shelves. Named as Addyi, the new pill is prescribed to women with low libido to boost more than sex drive.

Sprout's Addyi Female Viagra Hits Shelves

Going on sale on Saturday, the little pink pill now ends the war whether women are left out of the Viagra revolution. Addyi is designed to restore the lost sexual desire of woman.

According to a psychology professor at Emory University, Kim Wallen, the newly released pill is a historic milestone and following the footstep more drug maker may come up with similar pills targeting desire in women.

He added this is the first time a pill has been approved for increasing sexual desire.

To get approval and stop critics campaigning against the pill, drug maker Sprout Pharmaceuticals presented enough data to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with evidence the drug could help women with at least one satisfying sexual encounter a month.

However, the approval of FDA also mentions prescriptions of Addyi to be done only by trained physicians and doctors. Also, the pharmacists selling the pill need to keep track of any problems with women after taking the drug.

After the approval of FDA, Canada’s Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc. has revealed willingness to acquire Sprout for a offer price of about $1 billion along with the milestone payments.