Soon Chrome Extensions To Work On Firefox Browser

There’s some new reasons why to use Firefox instead of thinking to quit it for Chrome, Opera and other browsers. Mozilla has announced some major changes will be coming across and the important one to take note is adoption of a new extension API to make it compatible with Blink-based browsers.

The company said WebExtensions API only need the developers to make few small changes in the codes to make their add-on to run on Firefox.

Firefox engineer Kev Needham said the company is looking for the add-on development similar to the web development and so the same code need to run in multiple browsers.

Earlier writing extensions for Firefox browser were complex compared to writing extensions for Chrome[NASDAQ:GOOG] and Opera, and this was because of the technologies used by Mozilla. Those were XUL and XPCOM for building up the user interfaces and so mostly JavaSript was used. Even though the company provided lots of underlying features of the browser, but those came with complexities too.

However, these permissive models will be depreciated.

It is also said the changes won’t be made applicable to those developers who are using newer Jetpack SDK to write the extensions.

More to all these, the developers also need to get the extensions first reviewed from Firefox team and authorized by Mozilla before beginning the work on it.

Needham added the reviewing part will be manual and done by human. The process may take few weeks or even few months.