Sony Announces PS Titles, Characters Coming To iOS, Android Devices

Sony has given more smiles lately. It has announced the PlayStation games to be coming soon to iOS and Android devices.

Sony Announces PS Titles, Characters Coming To iOS, Android Devices

Sony also talked about forming a new company called ForwardWorks and under it some new services will be offered to the smart device market.

It is learned the new company will start operation on April 1 and to be headed by Sony Computer Entertainment’s head in Japan and Asia, Atsushi Morita.

It is to note here on April 1 too the Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) will be renamed as Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE).

Sony said the new company will bring the PS games to smartphone users across Asia and Japan. However, there is no news yet when the PS titles will hit US and other countries.

Sony added, the new company will “leverage the intellectual property of the numerous PlayStation dedicated software titles and its gaming characters as well as the knowledge and know-how of gaming development expertise which was acquired over the years with PlayStation business to provide gaming application optimized for smart devices including smartphones to users in Japan and Asia.”

Earlier, Nintendo entered into the smartphone apps market. Its first app Miitomo hit the Japanese market last week and it is reported more than 1.7 million downloads have been made with earning of more than $553,000.