Should Olympics Be Moved Away Of Rio De Janeiro Fearing Zika Infection

The Summer Olympics scheduled to be held Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro is now much debated. Health conscious well wisher is putting pressure to move it due to ongoing epidemic of Zika in the country.

Should Olympics Be Moved Away Of Rio De Janeiro Fearing Zika Infection

Just last week about two tons scientists signed a letter to the World Health Organization for the same.

However, several other health officials contradict their fellow scientists saying the games does not pose a big enough threat to move the game out of Brazil.

Epidemiologist Mikkel Quam had tried to find out number of mosquitoes to be present in Rio for three weeks in August when the game kicks off.

He said, “I was legitimately surprised… There’s very little mosquito activity during the Olympics.”

The month of August is like winter in Brazil. It is cooler and dry. This reduces the population of mosquitoes vastly.

Quam adds further that during the Olympics only 4 percent of the fans will get bitten and that too just at least once by a mosquito carrying Zika virus.

Zika cases may occur during the game but it won’t by many. An estimate says 1 in 31,000 people may get infected of it.

Around 500,000 spectators and athletes are expected to attend the event. It is assumed only 16 cases of Zika could be seen during the Olympics.