Should Media Follow Self-Censorship In Not Publishing Photos Of Terrorists In Attacks

Several French media including Le Monde newspaper have pledged not to publish the photographs of perpetrators of terrorist killings. They will not henceforth publish names too of those responsible for violent attacks.

Should Media Follow Self-Censorship In Not Publishing Photos Of Terrorists In Attacks

To overcome the potential effect of posthumous glorification Le Monde mentions in an editorial following killing of elderly church priest by two armed men the newspaper would cease to publish names and images.

The two men who stormed a church in France claimed allegiance to the ISIS militant group of Syria and Iraq.

The other media houses who supported the same by not broadcasting or publishing names and images include TV station BFM-TV, Europe 1 radio and Catholic newspaper La Croix. It is also learned France 24 TV channel will soon follow the same.

Meanwhile, many in the US have urged their media to follow the same policy as French media as not to encourage copycat killings in such publicized tragedies.

Some of the media scholars and journalists in the US have voiced similar sentiments saying publishing names and photos would do more harm than good to the society.

However, there are others who claim their duty is to inform and it is also the rights of the citizens to be informed.

Do you support such self-censorship of media houses or you believe the same citizens have right of information. Share your own views with fellow readers in the below given comment box.