Revalue IQD is Live at 3.47 to the USD

The revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar (IQD) has created a buzz in the financial world. Currently, the IQD is live at a rate of 3.47 to the USD. This significant change has many people talking and wondering about its implications.

In this article, we will explain what this revaluation means, why it happened, and how it might affect investors and the economy.


The revaluation (RV) means that the value of the Iraqi Dinar has increased significantly against the US Dollar. This new rate, 3.47 IQD to 1 USD, is a substantial shift from its previous valuation.

New Exchange Rate3.47 IQD to 1 USD
Previous Rate1460 IQD to 1 USD
Effective DateJuly 2024


For Iraq:

  • Economic Stability: A stronger dinar can lead to greater economic stability and confidence.
  • Inflation Control: It helps in controlling inflation, making imports cheaper and benefiting consumers.

For Investors:

  • Increased Value: Holdings in IQD have appreciated, potentially leading to significant returns.
  • Market Dynamics: Investors need to consider the volatility and liquidity of the IQD.

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Factors Leading to Revaluation

  • Economic Reforms: Iraq has been implementing economic reforms aimed at stabilizing its currency and boosting investor confidence.
  • Oil Revenue: Increased oil revenues have strengthened Iraq’s foreign reserves, supporting the dinar’s revaluation.
  • International Relations: Improved international relations and trade agreements have positively impacted Iraq’s economy, contributing to the revaluation.

Challenges and Considerations

Market Volatility: The IQD can still experience significant volatility, impacting investor returns. Currency markets can be unpredictable, and sudden changes in political or economic conditions can affect the value of the dinar.

Political Stability: Ongoing political stability is crucial for maintaining the revalued rate. Iraq’s political landscape has seen considerable changes and challenges, and continued stability is essential for economic growth and investor confidence.

Economic Policies: Continued economic reforms and prudent fiscal policies are necessary to support the higher value of the dinar. This includes maintaining a balanced budget, reducing public debt, and fostering a favorable business environment.


Impact on Different Sectors

Banking Sector:

  • Banks may see increased activity as the value of the dinar changes. Deposits and withdrawals in foreign currencies might be affected by the new exchange rate, impacting overall liquidity and operations.

Trade and Commerce:

  • The revaluation could make imports cheaper, benefiting businesses that rely on imported goods and raw materials. This could lead to lower production costs and potentially lower prices for consumers.
  • Exporters may face challenges as a stronger dinar makes Iraqi goods more expensive in the international market, potentially reducing competitiveness.

Real Estate:

  • Property values may adjust to reflect the new value of the dinar. Investors in real estate might see changes in property prices and rental yields, affecting the overall real estate market dynamics.

Future Outlook

The revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar is a significant step towards economic stability and growth. However, the future outlook depends on various factors, including continued political stability, effective economic policies, and global economic conditions.

Economic Diversification:

  • Iraq needs to diversify its economy beyond oil dependency. Investing in other sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services can provide a more stable economic base and reduce vulnerability to oil price fluctuations.

Investment Climate:

  • Improving the investment climate by simplifying regulations, reducing corruption, and ensuring security can attract foreign direct investment (FDI). This can provide a much-needed boost to the economy and create jobs.


The revaluation of the IQD to 3.47 against the USD is a landmark event with wide-reaching implications for Iraq’s economy and international investors. It reflects positive economic developments but also comes with challenges that need to be managed carefully. Investors should stay informed about ongoing economic policies and political conditions in Iraq to make well-informed investment decisions.

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