Researchers Find Solution To Prevent Cancer Recurrence

Finally a good news has come for cancer patients. Scientists claim to have cracked the way to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Researchers Finds Solution To Prevent Cancer Recurrence

It is learned chemotherapy alone leads to two types of dormant cancer cells. Researchers have discovered such cells are not killed usually and become resistant to additional chemotherapy. However, if the chemotherapy is clubbed with immunotherapy, such cells are destroyed.

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine researcher Masoud H Manjili said the immunotherapy should be applied during tumor dormancy period to prevent it from reaching to advanced stage.

In an experiment the researchers found almost all the cancer cells were killed by applying the new method and only a residual population of tumor cells survived and those became dormant.

It is further found the residual population of dormance cancer cells consisted of quiescent and indolent population.

With the help of immunotherapy the quiescent cancer cells could not escape.

Researcher E John Wherry from University of Pennsylvania said, “This new study demonstrates the importance of this concept of exploiting the immune system in cancer to target residual disease that our cancer drugs miss.”

Details of the new finding are published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology.