Ransomware Era Begins; Even Smart TV Getting Infected; Be Careful

Beware. Your smart TV may be the victim of ransomeware attack. One victim discovered it late last month and it was difficult for him to clean the infection.

It is already known ransomware for Android phones invaded several smartphones in 2016 and one or two years before too. Security experts have warned earlier it was only a matter of time, but now a serious note need to be taken a look after the malicious programs started affecting Android-based smart TVs.

Last November a Symantec researcher Candid Wueest infected his own TV to highlight the threat of ransomware. However, it was just a demonstration, but during the Christmas one of the owners of LG Electronics TV experienced the ransomware in real.

Darren Cauthon software developer tweeted on Christmas Day someone has accidentally infected his Android-run TV after downloading a movie-watching app.

Cauthon was the previous owner of the TV and he tried restoring the device for the new owner to default factory settings, but failed to do so even after getting dozens of suggestions from other Twitter users.

The LG tech support team was contacted, but only to know they will charge a fee of around $340 to have a look at the TV.

The ransomware asked for a payment of $500, but paying became tough as clicking on payment section was not possible because the screen was locked.

LG was contacted again and the solution provided was to press and release two physical buttons on the TV in a particular order. This worked. It booted the TV into a recovery mode.

However, the guy was lucky as only screen was locked. What would happen if… Try to understand.