Practical Tips for Life Long Weight Loss

Obesity is a well publicized problem currently faced by the world. The prevalence of obesity has led to widespread health issues, such as heart disease and depression. Here are some lifestyle changes that can help people to lose weight. Remember, any big changes to diet or exercise routines should be checked out with a doctor.

Practical Tips for Life Long Weight Loss

Research Nutrition and Healthy Meals

It is important to know how many ounces of fiber, carbohydrates, and various other food components are needed per day for a healthy body and weight. The difference between the ideal and the reality can be large. Even simply revisiting that childhood friend, the food pyramid, might be useful.

Nutritional knowledge and cooking skills can also make it easier to satisfy hunger urges without consuming too many calories. Most ready-made foods are processed with fat, salt and sugar added for flavor and as preservatives. Not only are homemade meals more likely to be healthier meals than the pre-packaged equivalent, it’s possible to know exactly what went into them. They are usually cheaper too.

Change Your Habits to Achieve Weight loss

There are several habitual behaviors which contribute to weight loss. For example, people who sleep fewer than seven hours a night tend to gain more weight than those who do. Establishing good sleeping patterns is useful in an effort to lose weight.

Fidgeting is another habit which can lead to losing weight. The more a person moves around during the day, even simply standing rather than sitting, or fidgeting while sitting, the more likely they are to be thin, according to a paper published by the Mayo Clinic on treatment of obesity. Not only is this good for muscle tone and weight loss, but can also help with circulation and prevent blood clots.

Eating breakfast is another habit worth encouraging. People who eat breakfast, and even better, a big breakfast, lose more weight than those who don’t. Ideally, eat foods which are low G.I. and high in fiber and protein.

Eat Low G.I Foods, Fruits and Vegetables to Stave Off Hunger

What you eat can have an impact, not only on your calorie count, but on your hunger and energy levels. G.I. stands for Glycemic Index, and is an indication of how fast a carbohydrate enters the bloodstream as sugars after a person eats it. Eating low G.I. foods can help to alleviate hunger by controlling blood sugar levels, which indicates to the body that it is full. An awareness of G.I. is especially useful for people with blood sugar problems, such as pre-diabetics.

Most fruits and vegetables have few calories and a lot of fiber, which can help a person to feel less hungry for longer. They are also very healthful, and can provide most of the nutrients needed for a well functioning body. It is important to eat a wide variety, to get the most benefit from them.

Exercise Away the Fat and Gain Muscle Tone to Prevent It Coming Back

Exercise contributes to losing weight, living longer, feeling happier, and getting more done. Even a brisk 20 minute walk can help. Not only because of the immediate calorie burning, but because it stimulates the metabolism, leading to more weight loss over time.

A person who has good muscle tone will burn more calories, even while resting, than a person without it. While weight lifting and resistance exercises are not the quickest way to burn calories at the gym, they pay off in the long run, with health benefits as well as weight loss.

Count Calories for the Ultimate Weight Control

If a person eats fewer calories than they expend, they will lose weight. The most effective way to take advantage of this is to count the number of calories coming into and going out of a body. Stay within a healthy, calorie cutting limit, either maintaining the recommended daily intake (for gender and size) or going slightly under it, and incorporating some calories burned by exercise into the count.

Take in too few calories and the body will think it is experiencing a famine and will try to hold onto fat, preferring to burn muscle in its place. It will also put on fat more easily when a higher calorie diet is resumed because of reduced muscle, and in order to safeguard against the next famine.

Calorie counting also exposes the good and bad foods in terms of calories. That donut is worth a bucket of broccoli, and the broccoli will keep a person full longer too. Be aware of very low calorie foods, such as shirataki noodles, or stevia, which can supplement a calorie controlled food plan and make it easier to stick to.

Aim for a Holistic, Healthy Lifestyle

Weight loss often becomes an obsession, leading to recurrent drastic measures that may work in the short term, but cannot be maintained. Utilizing a practical approach, while aiming for overall health and well being, will help improve quality of life, and lead to keeping a healthy weight for a lifetime.