Number Of Poor People Increasing In South Africa: Report

People living in South Africa are still poor. Not all, but at least most of them. A latest report titled Poverty Trends in South Africa reveals the number of poor people are growing too.

Released by StatsSA, the report writes gains achieved post-democracy are not enough and the facts are frightening. Since 2011 the poverty has increased significantly and about 7.4 million people survive on just R441 or less per person per month.

The report added poverty is dividing South Africans along racial lines. It also has a gender and age bias like the black Africans, young people, elderly, women and children are more affected by poverty.

It is urged the civil society and private sector should come up with some sustainable strategies so that the issue of poverty can be addressed in the country and make a difference. Start with paying fair and living wages or salaries to the domestic workers, gardener and nanny. Try to be humble with retail workers, cleaners and servers. Treat everyone with respect and dignity, and don’t forget to offer fair conditions for employment like maternity and sick leave. Don’t waste food, but instead give the little extra to someone who need it. Don’t throw the food. Donate to good causes and know that poverty is multifaceted.