No F-16 jets missing; India’s claim to have shot one contradictory: Pakistan

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said Indian government created war hysteria in recent months by claiming to have shot down the country’s F-16 fighter jet during a standoff.

US-based Foreign Policy magazine said all the F-16 warplanes had been accounted and India’s claim is contradicted.

The prime minister added, “The truth always prevails and is always the best policy… BJP’s attempt to win elections through whipping up war hysteria and false claims of downing a Pak F 16 has backfired with US Defense officials.”

Following Pulwama terror attack on February 14 in Indian side of Kashmir the two neighboring nations were engaged in an aerial battle over the region. Indian combat jets crossed Line of Control over the disputed region of Kashmir into Pakistan to attack a suspected camp of anti-India militants.

A day later, in an aerial battle, an Indian combat jet was shot down and the pilot was captured after he had successfully ejected himself on the other side of the border. He was released later.

India claimed to have shot down a Pakistani aircraft and pieces of a missile collected from the damaged jet was claimed to be part of Pakistani F-16.

A report published Thursday reveals US personnel had done a count of the F-16 jets and found none to be missing, contradicting India’s claim.

If the report turns true it would be blot to Indian prime minister Narendra Modi who claims in his elections campaign to have taught lessons to Pakistan.