Nestle Shifting Blue Riband Factory Outside Britian Cutting 300 Jobs

Nestle has announced to be shifting its Blue Riband chocolate biscuit factory from Britain to Poland, risking the jobs of about 300 employees.

Currently the factory is located Fawdon in north east and it is learned the Swiss confectionary giant will be holding a 45-day consultation before implementing the plan.

Meanwhile, the United Kingdom consumers have said to be boycotting the company and unions have called the job cuts as savage, demanding the government to intervene.

Nestle denied the move is due to wake of EU referendum and the country is on the process of Brexit to withdraw from European Union bloc.

It said the move is to simplify the production and make it more efficient amid changing external environment.

A source said the import cost of ingredients have increased by 15 percent due to devaluation of British pound lately in the wake of EU referendum.

Nestle spokesman said the decision to shift is important for them irrespective of the decision to leave the EU.

Since 1936 the chocolate biscuit is being made in Britain and the main market of it is UK. This mean if the factory is shifted, the finished product is to be exported from Poland to Britain.