NASA Lack Systems To Land Humans On Mars By 2030s

NASA lacks fund to land crewed spacecraft on Mars and its associate administrator for human exploration, William H. Gerstenmaier, said Friday they may not be able to land humans on the Red Planet by 2030s.

He added there’s just about two percent increase in the budget levels and they currently lack surface systems for Mars as landing on the Martian soil is a huge challenge.

Way back in 1997 the world saw Missions to Mars was a failure by NASA, which tried sixteen times to land spacecraft on the planet since 1970 and only seven were successful.

NASA earlier too said the landing challenge would lead to a longer time before astronauts can land safely.

In most of the landings NASA used parachutes to let the spacecraft slam into with sufficient inflated air bags. Opportunity rover landed with such technique.

Later NASA used the so-called “sky crane” and successfully landed Curiosity rover on the Martian surface.

Meanwhile, a private company founded in 2002, SpaceX, aims to facilitate the colonization of Mars. Currently it is working to outfit a Dragon spacecraft that may land on the Red Planet in 2020. It is not yet known what the Dragon will look like, but it would be surely as heavy as six metric tons and so far to be the heaviest object to land on Mars.