Microsoft Claims Edge Saves More Battery Life Than Google’s Chrome

Even though Google Chrome is the most popular browser today across the world, Microsoft tries to claim the trend is to end soon.

Microsoft Claims Edge Saves More Battery Life Than Google's Chrome

Microsoft debates its browser is superior in saving battery where as the Chrome consumes more of it.

The company has carried out test of four browsers – Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Opera. It was found Edge is most battery friendly followed by Opera, Firefox and Chrome.

Microsoft claims the battery of laptop running on Edge lasted for 7 hours and 22 minutes where as the one with Chrome browser lasted for just 4 hours and 19 minutes.

The running time with Opera was 6 hours and 18 minutes where as with Firefox it was 5 hours and 9 minutes.

Very recently Opera launched Saver Mode to help extend laptop battery life by about 50 percent claiming it keeps the machine cooler by 3 degree centigrade.

The browser maker also introduced several features including automatically pausing and unpausing plug-ins, pause animations of browser themes, reduce frame rate to 30fps and reduce activity in background tabs as well.

Microsoft adds further the Edge is faster and lighter to launch as the browser comes integrated with Windows for use with Cortana.