Michigan Mother Jailed For Not Immunizing Son

A mom in Michigan has been jailed for a week just for refusing to vaccinate her son.

The 40-year-old Rebecca Bredow felt immunizing was against her religious beliefs and she can passionately take care of her children, about their health and well-being too.

The mother of two was sentenced on Wednesday for contempt of court. A year-long legal battle with her former husband was closed. The case was over the vaccination of their 9-year-old son.

In October 2016 the court ordered for vaccination of their son and last week a warning was given to her to comply within seven days after which the boy will be vaccinated anyway.

The court said it is understood the mother love her children, but it is also to understand that the dad too has a say.

The mother said her ex-husband James Horne knew about her beliefs and objection long back and is now making an issue just to get back the child support.

Layer of James Horne said either of the two didn’t follow organized religion and so the objection to vaccinations was phony.

The boy is currently under temporary custody of the dad.