Liberia To Vote For New President On October 10

Liberia’s President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will be constitutionally resigning next month after serving the country for two-terms, 12 years. The country will go on a combined presidential and legislative polls on October 10.

This is the third time the country is going for a combined elections since a devastating 14-year armed conflict in 2003.

The election is unpredictable as host of fresh political entrants are being seen with twenty candidates competing to become the next president of Liberia.

The elections have come at such a time when Liberia is facing challenges like downturn in iron ore and rubber prices, Ebola crisis aftermath, high inflation and budget shortfalls.

In the first term of Sirleaf the country saw a steady growth of 5-8 percent and export revenues increased too, but very little was added to the improvement of lives of most of the people. The country is poor and 64 percent of the citizens live below poverty line.

However, it is also not to turn to oblivion high level of corruption was seen under Sirleaf’s two terms and she had been widely criticized too.

The upcoming election is being criticized as many believes the police and military are not well prepared in terms of security.