Lack Of Sleep For Six Days Could Be A Factor For Prince’s Death: Maurice Phillips

Prince didn’t sleep for six days before his death. He was busy with work, said his brother-in-law Maurice Phillips, married to Prince’s sister Tyka Nelson.

Lack Of Sleep For Six Days Could Be A Factor For Prince's Death- Maurice Phillips

The shocking claim from Phillips comes during a private memorial after the cremation of the dead body.

However, it is not yet very clear the cause of his death. His manager said lack of sleep for six days could be a factor for his death.

Prince was found collapsed in a lift of his Paisley Park home on Thursday, April 21. He was pronounced dead at the scene. He was 57.

Five days before his death the singer had visited Electric Fetus record shop in Minneapolis. Employees of the store said Prince then looked weak and pale. He was not in the best shape.

The store said Prince bought six records from them and those were – Talking Book by Stevie Wonder, The Time Has Come by The Chambers Brothers, Hejira by Joni Mitchell, Inspirational Gospel Classics by Swan Silvertones, The Best Of Missing Persons and Santana IV by Santana.

In early May a private funeral service could take place at a local church in Minneapolis area.

Meanwhile, police is investigating whether foul play was involved in his death.

Phillips added the Paisley Park estate of the singer would be turned into a museum for his fans.

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