Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta Deploys Military To Calm Violence In Drought Areas

Kenya has been hit with worst drought and has resulted with deadly violence taking dozens of lives. To keep the situation in control President Uhuru Kenyatta ordered Friday the Kenya Defense Forces to deploy army to the affected areas.

He said, “The deployment will further assist in disarmament and surrender of illegally held arms.”

It is learned about 21 people were killed last month in the clash between herders and Tugen in the Baringo county and many died including a British farmer in the Lakipia county.

Meanwhile, people have also accused the military of human rights abuses like executions and torture in several domestic security operations.

Police forces too have suffered several attacks by the pastoralists in past few years. In 2012 more than forty officers were killed and in 2014 some two dozen lost their lives while pursuing the Pokot herders in Kapedo.

Experts say the herders have taken to guns instead of spears and arrows, and this has made the violence more deadly.

Britain’s foreign secretary Boris Johnson has vowed to give about $4.9 million to Kenya to mitigate the effects of drought in the region.