Katie Price Raises Controversy Over Breastfeeding Topic On Loose Women

Katie Price raised controversy on the topic of breastfeeding at Loose Women saying she don’t like such selfies and she also don’t agree sharing such pictures on social platforms.

Katie Price Raises Controversy Over Breastfeeding Topic On Loose Women

Co-host Linda Robson asked the mother of five breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world and so why she don’t like sharing pictures of such.

The glamor model replied, “Yeah, but I don’t want to see that, like people probably won’t want to see me my selfies, my boobs and this and that.”

Linda further asked whether it would make her feel queasy if she saw a mother breastfeeding in a restaurant.

Katie said one can’t help looking if it is proper out.

The star further added breastfeeding is a natural thing and eating dinner seeing a women’s boob out is not possible.

Earlier in 2014 Katie said she would opt to bottle-feed her children even though she never denies benefits of breastfeeding.

Katie said breastfeeding is good for baby but for her she liked bottle feeding.

At the end of the conversation the model said, “I am so for breastfeeding, what I meant is if it’s like there. Breastfeeding all the way.”

Share your views whether you would like sharing your breastfeeding pictures on social platform. If not, do you agree with Katie Price. Do you too like bottle feeding your baby? Use the below given comment box.