Iraq Claims Victory Over ISIS In Falluja

Iraqi forces supported by US-led coalition air strikes have been able to recapture city of Falluja after about four weeks of battle on Friday.


National flag was seen flying high about the government building and Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi was heard declaring victory over the ISIS in the area.

US Defense Secretary Ash Carter said portion of Felluja has been taken back by the government forces but there are still some fighting to be done.

In a televised speech Haider said security has been tightened inside the city and some pockets are yet to be cleansed.

Counter-terrorism service (CTS) spokesman Sabah al-Numani said snipers were holed up inside the main hospital of the city.

The Iraqi forces and US-led coalition started operation to retake Falluja on May 23.

The city is a bastion of Sunni Muslim insurgency against United States that toppled Sunni Saddam Hussein in 2003.

Meanwhile, top Shi’ite cleric in the country has urged the pro-government fighters not to seek revenge against residents.

Addressing to the people the PM said the government is looking to bring back security and peace.

Earlier the ISIS had allowed civilians trapped in central Falluja.