Iran Tests First Domestic Fighter Jet; Rouhani Says It Is For Lasting Peace

Is it one more step to strengthening the military of Iran? The country unveiled today its first domestic fighter jet and President Hassan Rouhani said it is designed to deter enemies and create “lasting peace”.

TV footage showed the president and state media insisted the jet is equipped with advanced avionics as well as multi-purpose radar.

The new jet is called “Kowsar” and is a fourth-generation fighter. The launching took place at the National Defence Industry exhibition in capital Tehran. The jet is completely indigenously made for the first time.

Even though the test flights footage was circulated by various official media, but live part was cut off before Kowsar could take off. Rationalizing it the president said, “When I speak of our readiness to defend, it means we seek lasting peace. If we lack readiness, we welcome war.”

Rouhani added that it is not true the country is seeking war if military power is increased as many believes, but Tehran is seeking peace.

Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami first announced about the upcoming test publicly on Saturday without mentioning the date of unveiling.

He said such programme is motivated from the past memories of missile attacks the country has suffered in the 1980s when it was in war with Iraq and even from several repeated threats from United States and Israel.

Hatami further continued that the lesson has been learned not to rely on anyone but to their own efforts.