Indian PM Loses Twitter Followers Following Announcement of Currency Bans

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has lately lost more than three lakh followers on Twitter following announcement of ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 denomination currencies on November 8.


In the past three days it is also reported chief minister of Indian capital state Delhi has gained followers on Twitter in past three days, reveals website monitoring platform Trackalytics.

A day after the announcement of currency ban to curb black money the Twitter counter of Modi lost 3,13,312 followers. He nearly has 24 million followers on the platform.

A Twitter spokesperson was cited by a news website saying the Twitter followers drop was owing to spam accounts being deleted.

In the three days about 8,000 followers were added to Kejriwal’s account.

In his televised speech in the evening of November 8 the PM said the two denomination notes could be deposited in banks and post offices between November 10 and December 30 and thereafter to Reserve Bank of India (RBI) by March 31.

Lately Modi said innocent citizens would not be troubled, but those who are guilty in black money would be punished.

Also, it is not to turn a deaf ear towards the common people who are crowding in front of Banks and ATMs for hours starting from the early hours of the day.

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