How to Give Yourself a Pedicure at Home – DIY

We would be lying to ourselves if we said that we do not want weekly pedicures. It is the truth because, after a session of a pedicure, our legs feel like the legs of a baby who is just born. Another reality is this is nothing more than a beautiful fantasy because going to a salon every week is highly unaffordable. The amount of time that goes into that is not feasible for the majority of people.

We begin getting pedicures when we come of age and become an adult, and at that age, the amount of responsibilities on our shoulders increases rapidly. Due to this, lack of funds became another critical reason people cannot practically afford pedicures as frequently as they would like due dates of bills and rent or other work-related stuff.

You don’t have to be depressed about it, though, as you can give yourself a pedicure. Along with this possibility, you can do it pretty correctly and in a highly affordable manner. The entire process is as follows, and it must be followed thoroughly to achieve perfection.

Assemble Your Supplies

Like any other DIY process, we would recommend gathering all the necessary supplies before moving onto this process. Going around your house or even worse to the shop while you are in the middle of the process must not the situation that you must be working for. You must keep all the things required at a place beforehand. Items you will need:

  • Quick-drying top coat
  • Nail polish
  • Basecoat
  • Towel
  • Cuticle serum
  • Foot soak or liquid soap
  • Lotion
  • Scrub
  • Foot file
  • Nail buffer
  • Dual grit file
  • Straight edge clippers
  • Cotton pads
  • Nail polish remover

Remove Old Nail Polish

The first and foremost step in this process is to get rid of any old nail polish before a great pedicure. In order to do this, we would recommend you to avoid using natural cotton balls for the process as there is a possibility that those will leave fuzzies. It would be best if you used lint-free cotton pads.

Unless you are committed to employing a cheap nail polish remover, you must use acetone, which will undoubtedly prove itself worth the investment in the long run, and it is healthier for your nails. After getting all these things gathered, you have dip the cotton pad in the nail polish remover and saturate it. Then, gently tap those pads on your nails and let it soak for at least a few seconds before wiping it off.

Soak Your Feet

The next step in this process is to soak your feet and make those smooth. This will soften your skin before anything else. You must soak your feet in a foot soak, and if you do not have that at your home, you could use regular bathwater. This step is essential, and you have to soak them for at least 10 minutes or so.

File your Feet’s Heels

After your soles are softened, you can tend the dead skin with a light scrub using a pumice stone. It is essential to pay primary attention to the sides of the heels, the balls of your feet and around your toes.

Tend to Your Cuticles

The next step is to tend to your cuticles, and it is sound to buff the cuticles and manage it yourself, but this particular process must be done only by the professionals.

Scrub Your Legs and Feet

This is a highly optional step that includes scrubbing your feet and legs gently in order to make sure that the last few rough spots are even.

Tend Your Nails

If you are in a position where you need to trim your toenails, we recommend you only use high-quality nail clippers. Using these, you must cut toenails up to the skin your toe.

Moisturize Thoroughly

The self pedicure process must be concluded by adequately moisturizing your feet. This is essential as it will give you the final touch after the process and give you the same experience as a salon treatment. Apart from experience, this will also help your feet’s skin hydrate and nourish.

Apply Nail Polish

Before directly applying the nail polish, you must gently rub the nails in order to get rid of any residue oil or solution. Then, begin by using a base polish with a thin coat. After having three different strikes of base coat, move on to applying then polish. Slowly rotate the bottle before applying so that the polish is even.  It would help if you always began with a thin coat and then wait for like a minute before another stroke.

The finish of using a Cuticle Serum and Top Coat

The expert recommends finishing the process with another topcoat that is quick-drying, which will ensure the color is sealed. After this, you must use that cotton pad to get rid of any extra polish and errors and then let it dry to finish the process.