How to Gift Good Health to Your Child

Parenting is a tough job. Parents often find themselves at the crossroads, wherein they have to display the tough love and fight the urge to give in to the demands of their children. But sometimes, these difficult stances are good, as they enable a child to be better prepared for the challenges in the future. In fact, the habits you inculcate in your child are the best gifts you can give him/her as a parent.

The good habits last for a lifetime and help them grow confident and resilient. So, what are those tips that parents can’t forget giving to their child? Read on to find.

Provide them the essential nutrients

Nutrition is another aspect of child rearing that parents have to be particularly careful about. Children are fussy eaters. They like specific kind of food which is often junk and processed. Even parents tend to give in to the demands of their children and let them eat anything, as long as they are consuming some solid food. However, repeated indulgence can lead to nutritional deficiency that can further cause severe health complications, such as, weak immune system, frequent episodes of cold, and stomach disorder. To prevent all this, parents have to try innovative ways and ensure that their children are getting the requisite nourishment. Here are some useful tips –

• Encourage your child to have a variety of nutritious food. Kids usually like only a particular type of food and don’t like to experiment. Kids are fussy because they do not have many options to choose from. However, if you introduce him or her to a wide range of food items including fruits and veggies he or she may end up looking something from the offering.

• Kids have a special love for junk food. However, excessive consumption of processed junk food is bad for health.Use some innovation and stealthto get your child to eat healthy under the garb of fast food. Sneak in vegetables like carrots, beans, and cauliflower in home-made whole wheat pizzas and pasta.

• Allow them to participate in kitchen activities that are not risky. There are a number of non-fire cooking ideas that you can check on the web. These activities will not only be exciting for your children but will also encourage them to eat healthy foods. It is also a great way to bond as a family and build happy memories.

• Teach them to drink water from safe sources like from an RO water purifier system such as Kent. In India, the access to safe drinking water is a real privilege for families. So, to inculcate healthy habits, parents need to have a good quality RO water purifier at home. In facts, it’s the most precious gift parents can present to their child. Safe drinking from sources like RO water purifiershelps children fight diseases like cholera, typhoid, jaundice and hepatitis B.

Promote healthy lifestyle choices

Encouraging your child to develop healthy lifestyle choices from early on in life is very important. However, such learning should not be imposed, but developed gradually through discussions and trust building exercises. For an 8 or 9 year old child, playing video games or watching cartoon shows on television is far more exciting than playing outside. This has to change, and sometimes parents have to go an extra mile to encourage the habit of engaging in outdoor activities.

You can accompany them to the park or take them to a safe play zone. The knack to distinguish between good and bad choices has to be inculcated at a young age, which will be useful during later stages of life.

Keep your child away from obesity

Lack of physical activity is also linked to childhood obesity. As per a study, although childhood obesity in India has a lower penetration in comparison to some of the developed nations of the world, but it is showing an upward growth trend. Obesity in children doesn’t just cause severe health complications, but can also have a psychological bearing on a child. It is a very sensitive matter and has to be dealt with a lot of patience and care. Parents should also watch out for symptoms of obesity in children and should act upon it. For instance, the most common cause of weight gain in children is binge eating. Many adults including children indulge in binge eating out of sheer boredom. If you are noticing a similar trend in your child, it’s time to address the issue.

Start by having a healthy discussion with them. Encourage them to participate in more physical activities. Go for weekend cycling or hiking trips at a nearby location. This will be a great opportunity to bond as a family and, at the same time, will help you address the health needs of your child.

Parents want to give their child a future that is promising and positive. But, the base for a better future liesin the good health and well-being of kids.