How To Create Strong Password Making Impossible For Hackers To Access Account

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg rarely used his Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts. Many of us too follow the same. However, it is a good lesson after his accounts were briefly compromised on Sunday. It is suggested to safeguard our accounts and use strong, or rather strongest, password.

How To Create Strong Password Making Impossible For Hackers To Access Account

Below are some of the tips how to change passwords and make it strong.

It is always true that those passwords which are more complicated and lengthy becomes tough for hackers to access your accounts. It is suggested here not to use your kids’ names, birthdays or any personal details in it. The hackers trail Twitter and Facebook accounts for clues. Use long and random combinations of letters, numbers and characters.

Never reuse your passwords to another sites. It is wise to use a password-manager services such as DashLane and LastPass. They can remember passwords for you.

Deactivate or delete those accounts which you no longer use. If you are not using spam-filled AOL or Juno accounts, say goodbye to them and delete those.

Use multi-factor identification under which a second form of identification is asked after the first one like a code texted to phone. Hackers won’t be able to hack your accounts with this feature enabled.