Heart Disease Tops Cause Of Death Followed By Cancer: CDC

The US Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC) has come up with a new report revealing the top ten death causes in the United States along with other related vital information.

Heart Disease Tops Cause Of Death Followed By Cancer- CDC

In the report the CDC mentions a total of 2,626,418 deaths were recorded and pre-adjusted death rate decreased 1 percent in 2014 and the top causes of death were same as in 2013.

CDC’s Mortality Statistics Branch chief Bob Anderson said even though it is true people will die at some point, but the list is focused on creating a society where one can live as long as one can in the best possible healthy way.

Heart disease has topped the list as it has topped for years even though the death rate has lately come down year-after-year over recent decades.

Cancer is followed and death rate due to it is on gradual rise.

Chronic lower respiratory diseases and Accidents are positioned at number three and number four causes of deaths in the US. Anderson said the largest proportions of accident deaths are from motor vehicle and drug overdoses accidents. However, after mandatory of seat belts and car seats for kids the such deaths have declined.

Next in the list are stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, influenza and pneumonia, kidney disease and suicide.

Each year about 76,000 people die out of diabetes in the US and upto 5,000 due to influenza and pneumonia.

Anderson said the suicide rates have gone up almost steadily since 1999. Earlier it was placed between number 10 and 15 in the list but this time the cause has popped up into the top 10.