Haiti Delays Presidential, Legislative Elections Amid Electoral Fraud Allegations

Haiti has delayed the presidential and legislative elections Monday amid allegations of widespread electoral fraud and street protests in Port au Prince, the capital city.

Haiti Delays Presidential, Legislative Elections Amid Electoral Fraud Allegations

Provisional Electoral Council released a press statement Monday evening announcing the postpone of the polls until the recommendations come from special commission that was set up last week by President Michel Martelly for the investigation of allegations.

The vote was scheduled to be held on December 27. No specific date or time frame has been yet given for the national elections. It is delayed until further notice.

According to council spokesman Roudy Stanley Penn, the new date for the polls will be announced after the five-member commission concludes the investigation work.

The investigation work was expected to complete in three days and thereafter to make recommendations to the government as well as to the electoral council to further plan on the polls.

However, the review panel is taking more time than expected and has not yet sent any recommendation to the government. The group is led by second-place presidential finisher Jude Celestin. He said the commission was meant just for a cosmetic solution.

Meanwhile, office of Prime Minister Evans Paul said the review is expected to be installed on Tuesday.