Gunman Killed 58 At Mandalay Bay Hotel In Las Vegas

About 22,000 music lovers gathered at the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas for an open-air music festival when a 64-year-old Nevada resident Stephen Paddock killed dozens of people by opening fire from the 32nd floor.

The attack was pure evil, said US President Donald Trump.

It is true as the attack was the worst mass shooting in the recent history of United States.

It is not yet known what motivated the man to do so and Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo said the shooting was a lone wolf attack.

Paddock killed himself to after killing at least 58 people when police stormed the room. Ten guns were found from the hotel room.

Meanwhile, Islamic State, the so-called ISIS, claimed the attack saying the man was converted to Islam some months ago.

However, the FBI has found no connection of the attack with any international terrorist group. Even ISIS had made such unsubstantiated claims several times earlier.

According to police statement the man started firing at 22:08 local time on Sunday and Paddock has resided in the hotel since 28 September.

Total number of injured people is 515 and an off-duty police officer too was killed in the attack.

It is learned Paddock came from small town of Mesquite, which is about sixty miles north-east of the city. Police is also seeking a woman named Marilou Danley in connection to the attack.