Governor Of Tokyo, Yoichi Masuzoe, Steps Down Amid Over Spending Allegation

Governor of Tokyo, Yoichi Masuzoe, is has stepped down after allegations of using official funds for paying his holiday bills as well as art and comic books for his children. The scandal comes just ahead of upper house elections.

Governor Of Tokyo, Yoichi Masuzoe, Steps Down Amid Over Spending Allegation

On Wednesday it is believed he may lose a no-confidence vote in the assembly.

Masuzoe promised a scandal-free administration in his election campaign. The allegation may damage Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party’s (LDP) reputation in the upcoming July 10 vote.

Tokyo is to host the 2020 Olympic.

Earlier this year, in April, the governor was alleged using his official car driving to weekend cottage south of Tokyo. Later it was also said Masuzoe spent excessive on his official trips that included high-end spas, expensive clothing and lavish family outings too.

The governor though has denied of breaking the law, but he admits about the ethical lapses in lavish spending.

He added many of the items purchased like the Chinese silk shirts were work related materials and his assistants had made all the reservations with possibilities of mistake booking personal expenses as work-related.

Local media carrying an article mentioning the governor said visiting his holiday home regularly was important as it is equipped with bigger bath.

Masuzoe has however talked about returning the money that has been admitted by him to have been wrongly claimed.