Google Play Downloads Grew At Higher Rates Compared To Apple’s In 2015: Report

In a new report released Thursday it is revealed Google Play downloads are growing at higher rate than the Apple’s App Store. But it is also true the iOS developers are making more money from those compared to the Android developers.

Google Play Downloads Grew At Higher Rates Compared To Apple's In 2015- Report

App Annie’s 2015 retrospective report writes the Google Play Store downloads have outpaced by 100 percent the Apple’s App Store.

The App Annie looked into the trends of both the app stores in 2015.

According to the report, the growth of Google Play Store is due to its prevalence in emerging markets such as Indonesia, India, Mexico, Turkey and Brazil. About 50 percent of the growth accounted in these countries.

The company said despite the high growth rate of the app store the Android developers are unable to make much revenue from their applications.

The report adds Apple’s App Store made 3/4th more revenue than the Google Play Store and the revenues in 2015 were up from that of 2014 by 70 percent.

However, the analysts at the App Annie are optimistic the downloads as well as revenue of both the stores will grow further in near future and those will again be credited to the emerging markets.

Share your views whether you think the same the growth of both the stores will continue in 2016 with better pace.