Gallstones May Risk Heart Disease Development: Study

In a new study it is found those who have suffered gallstones may risk developing heart disease slightly.

Gallstones May Risk Heart Disease Development- Study

The researchers found 17 percent of people of more than one-quarter million U.S. adults with a history of gallstones were more likely to develop the disease in future of about fifty years.

The two diseases share some same risk factors that include type 2 diabetes, obesity and unhealthy cholesterol levels.

Cardiologist Dr. Richard Stein said people with gallstones need to take some additional attention to cardiovascular health as it is convincing that gallstones are a risk factor for heart disease.

Stein is a director of the urban community cardiology program at New York University School of Medicine and he was not a part of the study. Being a spokesperson for the American Heart Association he added, “Eat a heart-healthy diet, exercise, keep your blood pressure down. It would be prudent to get your other heart disease risk factors under control.”

Gallstones develop in gallbladder due to excess cholesterol usually and stores bile fluids that help digestion of fat as well as fat-soluble vitamins of the body.

U.S. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) said many people don’t get the symptoms of gallstones and its treatment often involves surgically removing the gallbladder.

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